Set in a local West Texas television broadcast circa 1950's, Join Paul Evans and his band;The Coyotes as they celebrate and perform cowboy,and outlaw songs and ballads. Hank Williams, Marty Robbins, Bob Wills et al. And the love that dare not mention it's name! Starring Paul Sheesley, featuring Justin Gaynor, Beth Callen, and Ian Kenselaar as The Coyotes!
No Cover, but a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre* Reservations are Strongly Recommended
*Drinks Must be Purchased IN the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum.
Doors open 30 minutes before show time.
There is a 2 Drink Minimum per Person in the Cabaret Theatre
Presented By
9:30pm to 11:00pm
Doors open at 9:30pm
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre<br> 61 Christopher Street (at the Corner of 7th Avenue)<br> New York, 10014
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Tuesday, June 13th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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Wednesday, June 14th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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Thursday, June 15th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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Monday, June 12th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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Monday, June 12th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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Saturday, June 10th
The Duplex Cabaret Theatre
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