"Lezberados" is a fierce and funny, hot and spicy, side-splitting comedy show featuring two of the hottest dykes working the stand-up circuit. From Showtime's "The Latin Divas of Comedy," Sandra Valls shows why she was voted one of Curve Magazine's "top 10" lesbian comics. She is joined by her radically ridiculous sister from a different mister, Mimi Gonzalez. Both are Olivia cruise stars with sold-out shows from Provincetown to LA. Come out and get your laugh on and find out why these two are the taco the town.
$25 Ticket in Advance & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
$30 Ticket at the Door (plus service fee) & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
*Drinks must be purchased IN the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum