Off the heel's of his 3 sold-out debut shows THE WOMEN BEHIND THE MAN, comes his second installment of this theme THE MEN BEHIND THE MAN. Chad Ryan is an actor, director and producer. He found the talented music director Jody Shelton and together they have built this follow up show asking what men help make a MAN. Storytelling of truths about Chad and his many complicated relationships with the men in his life and his not-so-complicated affection for male voices. In this evening of story and song you will candidly learn about the trials and tribulations associated with a boy coming to terms with his sexuality and becoming a man and the MALE figures that helped shape him through thick and thin.
$15 Ticket in Advance & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
$20 Ticket at the Door (plus service fee) & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
*Drinks Must be purchased In the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum.