Tba Description
Live Pro Wrestling returns home to darby, pa with an action packed show....Tickets on sale now!! WWE Hall of fame Superstar Koko B. Ware & Former WWE Superstar Snitzky in action Vanity vs roni"bigbang" nicole Dangerous darien hardway vs sizzlin stan stylezz RazerHAWK vs Latin Dragon DeSean Pratt vs icarus South phillys finest / snitzky vs private party and koko b ware Mr arrogance W/ Tha Maddman Kahreem vs Crazy Shea The king of new york Ec negro vs the human action figure Ali Shabazz Crazy Ivan vs killian McMurphy vs the Hasidic Outlaw vs Giant Leather |
Presented By
6:00pm to 8:00pm
General Admission: $10.00
All Ages
800 267-361-8325 UPCOMING EVENTS