What happens when Paul Lynde's stardust accidentally smacks into a six-foot autonomous Vagina? A Pussy Clown named Snatch Adams. Come find out what happens when a laid-off Snatch tries their hand at that great American last resort for the unemployed clown- a talk show! Featuring fun guests, a fucked-up sidekick and fart noises, “That Time of the Month” is sure to delight the giant pussy in all of us.
Becca Blackwell (Snatch Adams) is a NYC based trans actor, performer and writer. Existing between genders, and preferring the pronoun "they," Blackwell works collaboratively with playwrights and directors to expand our sense of personhood and the body through performance. Some of their collaborations have been with Young Jean Lee, Half Straddle, Jennifer Miller's Circus Amok, Richard Maxwell, Sharon Hayes, Theater of the Two Headed Calf and Lisa D'Amour. Recently seen in Erin Markey's tour of A Ride on the Irish Cream. Becca is a recipient of the Doris Duke Impact Artist Award 2015. Their solo show They, Themself and Schmerm is touring the west coast this fall. beccablackwell.com
Amanda Duarte (Tainty McCracken) is the creator and host of the monthly show Dead Darlings, in which artists present work they’ve had to cut or abandon, at Judson Memorial Church in New York City. She is an outspoken feminazi cunt on social media and the co-creatrix of the meme and movement #PussyGrabsBack. As a writer, she has contributed to The New York Times, The New Yorker, Salon, Marie Claire, BuzzFeed, High Times and Next Magazine, and, with her partner-in-crime Mike Albo, co-created the "Hurt Locker: The Musical" faux-Playbill featured in the recent Broadway production and current national tour of "Hedwig and the Angry Inch." She is also the co-host of the podcast Girl Friday, available on iTunes. Send her money on Venmo- account is makeitgood@gmail.com.
$15 Ticket in Advance & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
$20 Ticket at the Door (plus service fee) & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
*Drinks Must be purchased In the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum.