Voice Over 101: Intro to Voice Over SUNDAYS Class Details When: Sunday, November 12, 2017 12 PM Price $150.00 Students will become familiar with working in the booth on a variety of styles of copy while receiving feedback from our passionate teaching staff. In addition to learning the technical aspects of working in a voice over booth, VO 101 is designed to help students discover and refine their voice in a supportive and instructive environment. Our VO faculty is available to work with you personally. They can be hired by the hour to help you work on your demo reel or prepare for an upcoming audition. The Westside’s VO Booth is also available to rent by the hour for outside projects and productions. The Westside’s qualified sound engineers are available to help create demo reels. Students enrolled in the VO program will receive a discounted rate on their demo reels. For more information about private rentals, VO booth rental, and demo reel production, please email classes@westsidecomed.com Dates: 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3 NEXT SESSION: Voice Over 101: Intro to Voice Over Sundays,12-3 PM | Starting November 12th 4 Weeks | Cost: $150 |
Presented By
12:00pm to 3:00pm
General Admission: $150.00
(310) 451-0850 UPCOMING EVENTS