Based on Louisa May Alcott's life, Little Women follows the adventures of sisters, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March. Jo is trying to sell her stories for publication, but the publishers are not interested – her friend, Professor Bhaer, tells her that she has to do better and write more from herself. Begrudgingly taking this advice, Jo weaves the story of herself and her sisters and their experience growing up in Civil War America. Little Women embodies the complete theatrical experience, guaranteeing a night filled with laughter, tears and a lifting of the spirit. **Little Women the Musical is suitable for older children. Children in Kindergarten and above are welcome to attend. ***Blue Cast Items Not Allowed
Bottled water only allowed in the auditorium.
Additional Information
Accessible seating in rows G & Q.
The Night Box Office does not offer ticket refunds.
Presented By
Event starts at 7:30pm
General Public: $18.00 450 480-461-7172 UPCOMING EVENTS