Join My Drink On for the hottest Halloween Pub Crawl of the year
Nightmare On Demonbreun Street!
One night a year where it’s acceptable to show off your twerking skills while dressed like Miley at the VMA’S or dress for your dream job with your sinister Walter White character rendition. Lucky for you My Drink On is in Nashville for the hottest Halloween party…Nightmare on Demonbreun Street! Admission to event, drink vouchers (tip your bar staff please), drink specials, costume contests at participating venues and grand prize of $1000 through My Drink On! #NightmareOn
- Drink Specials at select locations - No Cover - Costume Contests *Participating Locations - Grand Prize $1000 Costume Contest #NightmareOn - Registration 8-10 pm Bars subject to change All Guests Must Be 21+ w/ID No Refunds |
Presented By
8:00pm to 2:00am
General Admission: $5.00