Nikki Palumbo & Gwynna Forgham-Thrift host this standup comedy show featuring all their most boyband-y friends. Come check out this all-queer crew of comedy's total heartthrobs who'd be on OUR Tiger Beat cover if someone would finally put us in charge! Featuring Jes Tom, Lorena Russi, Kelsey Bailey, Mila Myles, Jessica Henderson and Taylor Ortega
Nikki Palumbo & Gwynna Forgham-Thrift are NYC-based comedians who have written and performed for UCB (Maude Night & The Queerball Sketch Show!), Reductress, Above Average, and Dyke Power(point).
$10 Ticket in Advance & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
$15 Ticket at the Door (plus service fee) & a 2 Drink Minimum in the Cabaret Theatre*
*Drinks Must be purchased In the Cabaret Theatre to count towards the Minimum.