Elsa Riot The Amazing Brettzo Miss V. Acemerelda Spade Genome Kelly Doug Stafford Jesse Po Description
A Fascinating Fusion of Fabulous FunambulistsLimitless creativity collides with Victorian innovation in a fantastical revue as intricate, posh, and adventurous as the most outlandish Jules Verne or H.G Wells expedition.Envoute goes back to their roots with their love of the 19th century with an elaborate and wonder-inducing approach to the genre. VIP Hour begins at 6pm with drink specials, performances, and games Show begins at 7pm Showtimes have been changed to accommodate for television premieres. Additional Information
Come in your best Steampunk gear for a fashion show/contest
Presented By
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Envoute 2019 Season Pass: $130.00
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