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IAIC Recovery Rally
Presented By IAIC
Saturday, September 7th at 10:30am PST
Online sale ends: 09/05/19 at 9:30am PST
Historic Military Park
601 W New York St
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Jennie Devoe

Work Horse

IAIC RECOVERY RALLY Saturday, September 7th, 2019 

Start Times:
Southside Harley Ride & Family Canal Walk - 10:30 am - registration starts at 10 am
Live Music/Work Horse band - 11:30 am
Event Kick off with Speakers - 12 pm
Jennie DeVoe - 1 - 3 pm

Addiction, whether to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or involving other substances or actions, is a disease that can be effectively treated, allowing individuals and those around them to recover their lives. 

IAIC is a broad-based, diverse, nonprofit organization that advocates on behalf of people with addictive disorders. Our mission is to promote recovery through advocacy, public education and service.

By sponsoring the Annual Recovery Ride and Rally your support helps those seeking recovery and those who work for a stronger Recovery Community.

Additional Information
General Admission is FREE! You can purchase a tie-dye bandana and drawstring sport bag to help support the rally. PLEASE SIGN UP ONLINE!

Presented By

10:30am to 3:00pm
Doors open at 9:30am

General Admission: $0.00
Individual Registration for Ride or Walk: $15.00
Family: $40.00

Historic Military Park<br> 601 W New York St<br> Indianapolis, 46202

(317) 638-3501 x1230
