Join Geppetto’s beloved puppet on a thrilling quest to become a real boy. Pinocchio is lured into every prank and scheme imaginable as giant puppets and audience participation are woven into this cherished classic tale.
Have you ever wanted to be a puppet maker like Geppetto? Well now is your chance! Geppetto will be giving a puppet making workshop at 1:30 pm the same day. There's only room for 30 puppet makers in the workshop and sales begin November 25th in store! So stop by the Chagrin Arts Box Office, 88 N. Main St. Chagrin Falls OH, 44022 or call (440) 247-9700 for more info! Items Not Allowed
No outside food and drink
Presented By
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Kids: $15.00
All Ages
450 440-247-9700 UPCOMING EVENTS