Olympia High School Theatre Arts Presents TRAP by Stephen Gregg Presented by Special Arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. ( Dateline: Menachap, California. An incomprehensible event: every person
in the audience of a high school play falls unconscious--every person
but one, a young woman, Angela Lure, who remembers it all. Using source
interviews with witnesses, loved ones, first responders, and the
investigators pursuing the case, our Olympia Thespians bring this
harrowing story of the strange event to life, documentary-style. Best
described by our cast as, "a play about a play within a play."
Unnerving, exhilarating, and wildly inventive, you've never walked into
anything quite like Trap. Whatever you do, don't tell the secret. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram: @ohstheatrearts Use the #ohstrap or #donttellthesecret to let people know you're coming For questions, please email Dallas Myers: |
Presented By
Event starts at 7:30pm
GA - Adult/Student w/o ASB: $8.00
360-596-7000 UPCOMING EVENTS