A brief review of the basic principles of solid web design. Awareness of the possible compliance standards, including ADA, HIPAA, GDPR and FCC.
Fundamentals of marketing: SEO, messaging, continuity Education on how to find the right experts for creating or improve a healthcare website, including functionality and design.
Guidance for hiring effective and ethical digital marketing professionals for branding, blogging and more.
Why should you Attend: This webinar offers guidance to improve or create informed, strategic web design for the healthcare industry. In this 90-minute webinar, we will cover the basic principles of branding, placement, wording and compliance for websites aimed at healthcare consumers and providers.
While there are universal best practices for web design, there are unique considerations necessary to branding, content creation and compliance in the healthcare industry.These include color scheme, citations, backlinks, advertisements, and portals for patient communication or email marketing.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Marketing Principles
- Business Associate Agreements
- Vendor Hiring
- Content Creation
- Keywording
- Web Design
- Campaign Development
- HIPAA Compliance for Social Media
Who Will Benefit:- CEO, CFO, COO
- MD's and other Medical Professionals
- Chief Information Officer
- Technology Director
- Practice Managers
- Marketing Professionals
- Communications Director
- Social Media Marketing Managers
- Web Developers
- Privacy Officer
- Information Systems Manager
- HIPAA Officer
- Health Information Manager
- Healthcare Counsel/Lawyer
- Office Manager
- IT Professionals
- Sales
- Customer Service Representatives