OVERVIEW Presence is personality projected. A presence that speaks well of an individual is one that projects credibility, composure, and confidence. These behaviors are not spoken but rather are displayed through the sum total of the individual. This persona is built on a healthy foundation of positive self-esteem and rational thinking. Attending meetings, delivering presentations, conversing with colleagues: all these work events provide an opportunity to promote presence. Our appearance, non-verbal communication, voice and words all combine to demonstrate our persona and as such much be constructed in a way that consistently sends the right message.
Learn to achieve your conversational goals with others by asking the right questions and actively listening to the answers. Instead of directing your way through interactions that may, “win the battle, but lose to war”, learn to maintain an open and positive climate of supportive communication. Lead by involving people in a way that galvanizes their support in the short and long term. Learn how to prevent communication breakdown in the workplace and make assertive, clear communication the norm for you and your reports by modeling assertive behavior with professional integrity day to day. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND
To be at our best when we most need to be requires having the confidence and competence at recognizing potential problems and circumventing them before they escalate. Managing your emotions at work and being assertive in clarifying expectations early in the engagement is essential. Join us for this invigorating webinar to learn the importance of emotions in workplace, empower yourself to feel and be your professional and personal best. AREAS COVERED
To elevate the inner strength innate in all of
us and to foster the confidence that leads to enhanced performance. This webinar explores the underpinnings of managing your emotions at work, and keeping your composure and self-confidence high in the midst of hardship. It also discusses how to identify and overcome your self-imposed barriers and limits and how to improve professional presence. WHO WILL BENEFIT
Executive level, Sales, and pretty much everyone else too! SPEAKER Use Promo Code XMSNY19 and get flat 20% discount on all purchases.
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Presented By
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Live Webinar: $159.00
Monday, November 18th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016 Past Event
Monday, November 18th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016 Past Event
Friday, November 15th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016 Past Event