• You may have heard about at will employment
but what does that mean? WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND
Many employers make the mistake of assuming that because they have an at will employment contract for an employee, terminating that employee will be a done deal and they often end up defending a wrongful termination claim. Other employers may hold onto employees who are not performing or who may even undermine company goals and safety, because they think that terminating them will translate into wrongful termination and will automatically result in a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Neither of those assumptions is necessarily true! So what’s an employer to do? This webinar will help you gain some insight into how to navigate your relationship with your employees, keeping employment-at-will and its exceptions in mind. AREAS COVERED
• Defining employment-at-will LEARNING OBJECTIVES
In this webinar we will discuss the extent and limits of employment-at-will. We will also explore the statutory exceptions and contractual provisions that seem to undermine employment-at-will to give you clarity and guidance on an often misunderstood principle of employment law. The webinar will also help you understand the rights and obligations of employers and employees. WHO WILL BENEFIT
Janette Levey Frisch, founder of The EmpLAWyerologist Firm, is an employment/HR attorney with over 20 years of legal experience. Ms. Frisch is a legal wellness professional for employment practices and workforce challenges. She works with employers to craft solid employment practices wellness plans tailored to address an organization’s needs and concerns. As a consultant, she offers legal services on virtually all federal and NJ and NY state employment law issues. Use Promo Code SUMS20 and get flat 20% discount on all purchases.
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Presented By
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Live webinar: $159.00 20 UPCOMING EVENTS
Thursday, July 23rd
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, July 23rd
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, July 23rd
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event