There is a proactive approach – the Action Research Strategic Planning Process - that allows teams to react to and address organizational issues, changes and challenges while generating the necessary buy-in and follow through. The Action Research Strategic Planning Process is a planned series of process steps that: • Obtains from the team their
action/improvement-oriented proposals regarding the priority issues The objectives of the Action Research Strategic Planning Process are to: • Provide the team a forum for voicing the
organizational issues of greatest concern to them as well as their proposals
for addressing those issues The benefits to using the Action Research Strategic Planning Process are: • The issues addressed are ‘real world’,
current and of the highest priority to the team – versus ‘top of mind’
reactions during meetings WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND
Organization are sometimes challenged with having the agility to respond rapidly and effectively to their key business issues. Many formerly very successful organizations lacked agility – do you remember: A&P, Blockbuster, Circuit City, Borders, Ringling Brothers and Toys R Us? The larger an organization the greater its talent base and capabilities – but as the number of participants increases communication and problem resolution become more challenging. Lacking is not the talent but a means of tapping into the knowledge, skills and experience of that talent – in a manner that generates their buy-in. AREAS COVERED
The Action Research Strategic Planning Process is a purposeful, planned series of steps that: • obtains from a team their input relative to
their critical issues Action Research Strategic Planning Process Methodology: Step #1. The participating members of the team receive an introductory email and an open-ended request for them to submit their issues of greatest concern/importance relative to the team’s performance Step #2. A questionnaire is developed which seeks/probes for action oriented, suggestions for improvement - relative to the previously identified critical issues Step #3. Individual, confidential interviews are conducted with each participant obtaining their proposed improvement steps/initiatives related to each of the critical issues Step #4. The interview responses are compiled, collated and built into a power point presentation Step #5. A planning meeting[s] is conducted allowing the team to: • review and discuss their responses to each
question During the planning meeting[s] the participants are encouraged to: • be involved and take advantage of the
opportunity Step #6. The key comments, action plan steps, champions, accountabilities, and due dates as developed during the planning meeting[s] are captured and submitted to the participants allowing them to follow through on ‘their’ strategic plan. LEARNING OBJECTIVES
The Action Research Strategic Planning Process is effective in a variety of situations: • Team building This webinar will walk through each of the steps in utilizing this practical and effective Strategic Planning Process for improving organizational performance. WHO WILL BENEFIT
Anyone with supervisory, managerial and/or leadership responsibility SPEAKER
Pete Tosh is Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines:
The Focus Group has provided these consulting and training services to manufacturing and service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Pete has worked closely with the leadership teams of organizations such as Exxon, Brinks, EMC, State Farm, Marriott, N.C.I. and Freddie Mac. Use Promo Code LBRD20 and get flat 20% discount on all purchases.
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Presented By
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Live webinar: $159.00 20 +1-720-996-1616 UPCOMING EVENTS
Thursday, July 30th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, July 30th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Thursday, July 30th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event