What Will FDA Expect And Request From Your Firm During Design
Control Portions Of Inspections? Speaker: David Lim, FDA Dr. David Lim, Regulatory Doctor, obtained his Ph.D. in biological sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia and published his thesis research in the prestigious journal “Science.” Since then, he has held various positions at Duke, Caltech, US National Laboratories, Intrexon Corporation, Terumo, US FDA/CDRH, and EraGen Biosciences (A Luminex Company). In 2009, Dr. Lim served as a panel member during the FDA’s Transparency Public Meeting. Course Description: This webinar is intended to discuss important aspects of FDA inspection concerning medical device design control system.
Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act or the Act), a medical device firm is subject to design control requirements, to the extent applicable during development including clinical trials and postmarketing.
Based on the FDA enforcement trends, design control failure are frequently cited in 483s and FDA warning letters.
FDA warning letters state “Failure to establish and maintain adequate procedures to control the design of the device in order to ensure specified design requirements are met.”
In addition, due to device design control failures, it has resulted in many device recalls.
This webinar is intended to provide guidance on how to establish and maintain design control procedures in a way to survive an FDA inspection applicable for all classes of medical devices including IVDs.
Course Objective:
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10:00am to 11:00am
General Admission: $199.00
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