remotely is now becoming the new norm and among the many challenges of managing
virtual teams, conflict resolution is a prominent one. Our upcoming webinar
discusses the styles used to manage conflicts in virtual teams in order to
resolve them peacefully, fairly and decisively while staying emotionally
balanced and remaining friends with people you deal with.
The webinar covers the following key areas:
· How conflicts escalate with remote teams? · What are the communication barriers that cause conflicts? · How to manage your emotions and the emotions of others to prevent escalation? LEARNING OBJECTIVES
In this webinar we will explore a variety of styles used to manage conflict in virtual teams in order to resolve them peacefully, fairly and decisively while staying emotionally balanced and remaining friends with people you deal with. WHO WILL BENEFIT
Supervisors, managers and anyone responsible for managing a remote team of employees. Speaker Profile: Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. Audrey is currently a faculty member of American Management Association where she trains productivity and communication skills. Use Promo Code LBRD20 and get flat 20% discount on all purchases.
To Register (or) for more details please click on this below link:
Email: support@trainingdoyens.com
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Fax: +1-888-909-1882
Check out our popular webinars:
1. 3-Hour Excel Automation Boot Camp: Top Ten Excel Functions, Lookup Functions (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX), Basics of Excel Macros with an Introduction to VBA - https://bit.ly/2PMCtmG 2. Microsoft Outlook Essentials: All You Need to Know to Manage Your Projects, Inbox and Calendar - 3-Hour Boot Camp - https://bit.ly/3ex549n |
Presented By
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Live webinar: $159.00 20 +1-720-996-1616 UPCOMING EVENTS
Wednesday, August 12th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Wednesday, August 12th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event
Wednesday, August 12th
Training Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr Past Event