This webinar explores modern or effective mentoring and the
shift from the traditional style of mentoring. The traditional style of
mentoring was about the senior person mentoring the junior person. The mentoring
process was very much one way.
Fast forward to today and we see successful mentoring
programs becoming more about a two way trusted relationship where both the
mentor and mentee learn and grow together on a personal and professional basis.
This webinar will explore effective mentoring strategies and how to be a good
mentor in the workplace.
We look at some of the best practices that have evolved as a
result of this change in mentoring philosophy. This webinar will explore
effective communication and building effective relationships in the workplace
as the foundational pieces of mentoring. We will also explore the barriers to
effective communication and a trusted relationship and how we might address
those barriers.
Why Should You Attend
With the growth of effective mentoring initiatives on a
global basis people and organizations have raised the expectation bar on the
business value of mentoring. Mentoring programs typically fail because of four
» Lack of corporate support
» lack of structure
» lack of training
» a culture that will not support mentoring.
Organizations are unsure of the path that they wish to take
as failure is not considered an option. In some cases there is a lack of
understanding of what is effective mentoring and what the value for embarking
on a journey of this sort would be.
For some, mentoring is an off shoot of coaching and with
that comes the confusion of whether or not a mentoring initiative would be of
any value and what the ROI would be for doing so. Some of the research has
shown that 79% to as high as 90% of mentoring program fail and it is this stat
that causes the most concern for senior executives who must make the decision
of whether to implement or not.
It is not all bad however and this webinar dispels some of the myths about
failed attempts at implementing mentoring.
This webinar will clearly demonstrate the high return on
investment that can be realized through the sharing of “The Gift of Mentoring”.
In a study done in 2017
» 63% of participants saw an increase in productivity
» 54% saw an increase in engagement with the company they were
employed by
» 45% of the organizations believed that their mentor program helped
them retain valued employees.
This is most definitely a must attend webinar – “can you
afford not to?”
Objectives of the Presentation
» This webinar will provide an overview of
effective mentoring and why it is important.
» This webinar will look at what can cause failure in the
implementation of a mentoring program
» This webinar will look at the steps to a successful implementation
and ROI.
Areas Covered in the Session
» What is effective mentoring
» What is traditional style of mentoring
» Transferable skill
1. Family
2. Community
3. Organization
» Paradigm shift in mentoring
» Two Primary skills
1. Trusted Relationship building
2. Effective Communication
» Building Trust
1. Sharing something personal
2. Story telling
» Communicating effectively
1. Active Listening
2. Trigger Words
3. Deflections
4. Crucial Conversations
5. Conversational Pauses
6. How messages are received
» Why mentor programs fail
» Some things to consider when implementing a mentor program
1. Corporate Support
2. Structure
3. Training
4. Culture that supports mentoring
» Communication
» Celebrating success
Who Will Benefit
» This webinar is of value to all levels of an organization and to
all organizations and associations. This webinar is designed to provide value
to all who attend.
To Register (or) for more details
please click on this below link:
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Tel: +1-913-871-1466