American String Quartet Description
Divine Duo Concerts Back by Popular Demand
The Divine Duos at the Pueblo Country Club will continue into this season. $50 per person, Advance Ticket Reserved Seating and includes a meal to follow the one-hour concert Additional Information
A FEW CHANGES TO PROVIDE A SAFE AND WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT FOR THE 2021-2022 SEASON - These changes will provide an environment that makes attendees, staff, volunteers and performing musicians comfortable and accommodate personal social distancing preferences for all.*** TICKET SALES & CONTACTLESS ENVIRONMENT - We are doing our best to promote a contactless ticketing environment. For Divine Duos, there will only be advance online ticket sales at www.pueblosymphony.com As these events are very limited in seating and a reservation deadline is necessary, tickets will not be sold at the door.*** CANCELLATION OF CONCERTS/EVENTS -- If it becomes necessary for the Pueblo Symphony to cancel the Divine Duo due to circumstances beyond our control, patrons will be informed of the cancellation via the following methods: For tickets purchased online, an email will be sent to the email address that was provided at the time of the purchase. The email will contain detailed information about the cancellation and a reschedule/refund plan. For patrons who plan to purchase a ticket on the day of the concert, a cancellation sign will be posted at Hoag Recital Hall. *** COVID GUIDELINES & REPORTING - We will continue to follow CDC guidelines and work closely with the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment to present COVID-compliant events. Please note that the event will observe mask guidelines as set by the Pueblo Country Club.
Presented By
5:00pm to 7:30pm
Table 01: $50.00
138 719-545-7967 PAST EVENTS