Sinderella is an American adaptation of the traditional British Pantomimes that are performed in England around Christmas. Traditional “Pantos” incorporate song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, in-jokes, audience participation, and mild innuendo- though in this case MAJOR innuendo.
Sinderella, the age old story of Cinderella but never as you've seen it before. Sinderella wants their childhood home back from their Wicked Step Mother and Ugly Siblings. Aided by some cockroaches, a Con-ed guy, a Fairy God Mother and a good dose of magic, Sinderlla embarks on a journey of transformation more significant than they ever could have imagined...
Written by Robert K.Benson
Directed by David Charles
Starring: Sam Given*, Lauren T. Mack*, Reagan Sims*, Matt Mastromatteo, Rachel McPhee*, Lily Ali- Oshatz, Makia Martin, Diego Velázquez & Gabriel Spector
*Denotes AEA Member
AEA Approved Showcase