Of the 3.2 million children removed from their families every year, 2.5 million are wrongfully removed, and of those, 300,000 have a higher chance of being physically or emotionally abused. Our sole purpose is to ensure as little damage to the children as possible as they and their families navigate through the difficult, confusing and detrimental system that is Children and Family Services (CFS). We look to be the peace and helping hand for families doing their best to keep their children in their custody or get them back if they have already been removed. We want to work hand in hand with Children and Family Services (CFS) to improve the process that has become increasingly overwhelming and at times dangerous to the children they look to protect. With your player support, all funds collected through this event will go to benefit the Life Changing Programs we provide for foster Children and Families wrongly affected by CFS.
Each player will receive: one round of golf (18 holes), shared golf cart, refreshments on course during play, lunch and beverages at the awards banquet, gifts/prizes and a gift bag. (Gift bags contents TBD) To Secure your player spot, you can either purchase your participation level here, download the registration form fax or email it back along with your player information and payment instructions to 510-550-2606 / info@havensfuture.org or register online at https://havensfuture.org/golf-tournament. Your Registration will be secured upon receipt. |
Presented By
8:00am to 5:00pm
Individual Player: $180.00 706-530-8323 |