As of late, golden boy Cambridge astrophysicist Felix Humble (Gerald Davis), has been feeling down in the dumps due to his lack of success in his chosen field. When his father, a keen beekeeper, dies unexpectedly, Felix returns to his family home in the Cotswolds, where he resumes his contentious relationship with his formidable mother, Flora (Jennifer Porter), an ex-model who possesses a talent for cutting people to bits with her acerbic wit. Adding to the chaos of the Humble home are Felix’s free spirited ex-girlfriend, Rosie (Willa Darian), whom he abandoned years earlier; her loud-mouthed father, George (Josh Brassard), whose amorous intentions to woo the recently widowed Flora don’t sit well with Felix; and Flora’s dutiful minion, the long-suffering Mercy Lott (Dawn Tucker). As Felix tries to unravel his feelings surrounding his father’s death and his lack of professional success, he turns to the sensible gardener, Jim (Dana Packard) for much-needed wisdom. “Humble Boy” is a whimsical, funny, and charmingly offbeat story about grief, and making peace with the inevitable chaos that being part of any family brings.Contains strong language.
"Sad, very sad; funny, very, very funny...this is a seriously wonderful play." - Sunday Times
"Charlotte Jones [is] one of our most accomplished and entertaining young playwrights." - Financial Times
"Rich, original, intelligent, funny and touching. I can't recommend this lovely play too highly." - Daily Telegraph