High School & College Counselors Description
1) What’s the Issue? For example, continuous, substantive, individually-tailored counseling support in high school (and before), during summer after graduation (to avoid “summer melt”), and all through college. How can challenged students (e.g., first generation, underpresented) be kept “in the counseling loop?” Who’s responsible?
Many at-risk high school grads fall through the cracks when they leave high school, their counselor there "chalking them up" as a "success story" if they have been accepted to some type of higher education, and counselors from that school do not immediately connect with them to guide them to matriculation and beyond. They need counseling, they need coaching and what's the difference? This conference will have experienced high school and college counselors talk about how this pipeline does or does not exist, and how it might be created or enhanced. As at all CHERE conferences, a panel of students, both high school seniors and college students, will weigh in with their perspective on what's needed to keep them in the loop. |
Presented By
9:00am to 2:00pm
General Admission: $85.00
All Ages
Friday, April 22nd
Manchester Community College Past Event