PIRATE PANDAS DAISY CHAIN VIBEY DESERT SAN DIEGO UNFIED BASS DISTRICT PROJECT SEISMIC This is the collaboration you’ve dreamed of San Diego. We’ve come together, as we have decided that we all share a similar purpose. a love for the music, a passion for the art, a devotion to this community of dance music. We present to you, a late, sweaty, and gruesome night… Three stages of filthy bass music. Featuring; Eugene, Jordnmoody, and a very special guest!! Supported by Amethyst, BOSTN, Caskit, Crownpoint, Darklord Gob, Future Elevator, Jonn Yboy, Lost Voice, LYQD, Malicious, PKR, Shortcvke, Sunset Arcade b2b Sounds Na$te, and Tones Items Not Allowed
Outside food/beverage, no weapons of any kind
Additional Information
Text “NoExpectations” to 33777
Presented By
10:00pm to 4:00am
Early Bird: $20.00
Saturday, November 26th
Renegade Location Announced Day of Event Past Event
Friday, October 28th
Secret Location Past Event