Dance Fremont announces its 27th season of The Steadfast Tin Soldier, A Story Ballet. This family-friendly show delights with its engaging and tender retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen tale. Enjoy original choreography by Vivian Little, director emerita of Dance Fremont with original music, lyrics, and libretto by Kathleen Mills, who conducts the live The Steadfast Tin Soldier Ensemble. Signing Exact English (S.E.E.) has been incorporated into the choreography to make this performance accessible for those who are hard of hearing. The show content is delightful and appropriate for all ages. Masks are encouraged but not required. 27th Annual Performance of The Steadfast Tin Soldier, A Story Ballet Dates & Times: December 9th and 10th — Saturday 2:00PM & 7:30PM, Sunday 2:00PM Venue: Shorecrest Performing Arts Center 15343 25th Ave. NE, Shoreline Suggested Donation: $25 for adults and $15 for Students and Seniors www.dancefremont.com
Presented By
Event starts at 2:00pm
Adult: $25.00
All Ages
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