The Taming By Lauren Gunderson Directed by Dennis Wilson Tweetering, pandashrews, and undying giddiness for James Madison -- what else could you expect to find at a Miss America pageant? In this hilarious, raucous, all-female “power-play” inspired by Shakespeare’s Shrew, contestant Katherine has political aspirations to match her beauty pageant ambitions. All she needs to revolutionize the American government is the help of one ultra-conservative senator’s aide on the cusp of a career breakthrough, and one bleeding-heart liberal blogger who will do anything for her cause. As we launch into the 2024 campaign season, this hilarious, all-female power comedy shatters the framework of two-party politics and – underneath the laughter – offers an inspirational vision of the America we hope for. Caution: Adult language and suggestive situations.
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Event starts at 7:30pm
Adult: $15.00 133 UPCOMING EVENTS