Your behavior shows your true character when you feel pressure. Light Work. Wassuup! I’m Luke Whitney, a bluesy-soul artist from Beaumont, Texas. I come from two families of singers and musicians, so I was meant to be musical from the jump. I never wanted to do anything else.I come from a big, southern, reunion-havin', insanely good food cookin', guit-fiddle-pickin', joyful family that has loved me hard. For that, I am abundantly grateful. With that being said, I understand there are too many people in the world that don’t and haven’t felt that genuine love. So if you ask me what my purpose is, I’d say, "It is to encourage folks to be an uplifting positive force in their life, and every life around them, because it will only help." I hope you get something like that out of my new project ‘Light Work’. Not lite workbecause it wasn’t easy getting here - light work in a sense of being a solid, positive force in your life and everybody around you because you genuinely want to do good. Easy or difficult. Friend or foe. Your behavior shows your true character when you feel pressure. Light Work. Items Not Allowed
Presented By
7:00pm to 10:00pm
Non dinner ticket: $40.00
100 832 594 7526 UPCOMING EVENTS
Thursday, August 15th
7 Oaks Event Garden Past Event