A play by Aaron Posner. A modern-day, dark comedy adaptation of Chekhov’s The Seagull, Stupid F##king Bird explores unrequited love, passion versus fame, and the toll of mediocrity. It follows Con, an aspiring young writer who seeks validation from his successful starlet mother, Emma and his naïve girlfriend, Nina. Complete with songs and fourth wall breaks, Stupid F##king Bird invites us to question the measures we take to inject our lives with meaning and highlights how purpose differs among individuals. Mature audiences only. This production contains mature themes and language, including discussion and portrayal of gun violence, gunshot noises, sexual content, loss of child, and offstage depiction of suicide. Thursday, March 7th, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, March 8th, 5 p.m.; Saturday, March 9th, 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Flexible Theatre.
Event starts at 7:30pm
Student: $0.00 145 UPCOMING EVENTS