AR38 is made up with members of popular Tribute bands in the Atlanta area. Singer,
Downey Poteat is from Headgames(Foreigner Tribute) and Bad Co. Experience.
Guitarist/Vocalist, Jim Withrow is from Kanstyx(Kansas & Styx Tribute) and Bad Co.
Experience. Keyboardist/Vocalist, Don McBroom is from Bad Co. Experience. Bassist,
Tommy Williams is from Kanstyx(Kansas & Styx Tribute). Add our talented drummer,
Mitch Flanders and our multi-talented guitarist, Zach King and you have a professional
tribute band that faithfully re-creates, vocally and musically, these hit songs with expert
musicianship and attention to detail. AR38 does NOT use any pre-recorded backing
tracks. All vocals and instruments are performed 100% completely live!