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A Message From The Flying Horse Big Band Jazz Album
February 21st - April 25th, 2025 EST
Online sale ends: 06/07/24 at 11:45pm EST
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816
-= series =-
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This platform is where you are able to purchase the Flying Horse Big Band album: "A Message From The Flying Horse Big Band" please select the closest date to the current date you are currently purchasing items.

You will receive a "Print-At-Home Ticket" with a date associated, it is not an attended performance that is required, it is just associated with the items.

12:30am to 11:45pm
Doors open at 12:00am

FHBB Jazz Album: $20.00

University of Central Florida<br> 4000 Central Florida Blvd<br> Orlando, 32816




Friday, February 21st

Purchase Items
Friday, February 21st

Purchase Items
Friday, February 21st

Purchase Items
Friday, February 14th

Past Event
Friday, February 14th

Past Event
Friday, February 14th

Past Event