The Advanced Drama class at Washington High School presents two original one act plays written, directed & performed by students. The first play, Everything Will be Alright in the End by Sachin Toor & Anna Davis is a tragedy set in England during the tumultuous years of WW I. The second play, The Bride is Dead by Anna Davis, Karina Sapkota, Nitika Sathiya & Sachin Toor is a mystery comedy set in our modern times. All seats are first come, first served. There will be a 10 minute intermission when patrons are encouraged to purchase drinks and snacks to support the WHS drama program. Items Not Allowed
No food or drink besides bottled water is allowed in the theatre.
Additional Information
Husky Theatre is ADA accessible
Presented By
7:00pm to 8:30pm
General Admission: $10.00
120 4087222628 PAST EVENTS