1. All contestants must enter the RNJ Deer Contest 24 hours before the animal is harvested. A person will be considered entered when the fee of $30.00 is paid, and the date and time are recorded at the contest headquarters. Contestants must provide all proper information that the contest request in order for those people to be entered. In case of a tie the earliest paid entry will be rewarded the winner. 2. A contestant may win more than one category, but not with the same animal. 3. A contestant must have a valid Texas hunting license, and is required by the contest director to show proof of the license when an animal is brought to the contest headquarters. All animals must be harvested in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Parks and Wildlife. Failure to abide by the rules will be grounds for disqualification from the contest. 4. All animals must be weighed by an official RNJ representative. Official scorers are only to be chosen by the contest director. All animals are to be scored and weighed at R&J Music Pavilion in San Antonio, Texas. If the animal is scored at another contest the director will make the decision to accept a score or have the animal rescored at the contest headquarters. If the director chooses to have the deer rescored the hunter must bring the animal to the contest headquarters. If the hunter chooses not to bring the animal in, the hunter and the animal will not be allowed in the contest. (No Exceptions) 5. All contestants must enter their own kill and the antlers must be attached to the body of a freshly killed whitetail deer or attached to sufficient portion of the head, neck, and cape of a freshly killed whitetail deer. No deer will be eligible for the contest if brought in with just the skull and antlers. All animals must be brought in by the hunter that harvested the animal; if the hunter is not with the animal it will not be allowed in the contest. All animals must be tagged when brought to the contest. (No Exceptions) 6. All animals to be entered into the RNJ Deer Contest must be from the state of Texas. No animals that are brought into the state, regardless of age or sex will be allowed into the contest. Failure to abide by these rules will be grounds for disqualifications. 7. Animals that are brought in Velvet to the contest are subject to a 3% deduction in order to be eligible to be entered into the contest. 8. When an animal comes into the contest headquarters to be scored or weighed all information provided by the hunter must be correct. It is the hunter’s choice to decide if they want the ranch name to be posted. The ranch name must be provided to the contest for their use only. If the information provided is not correct, that will be grounds for disqualification. 9. The contest director has the right at any time during the contest to re-measure any animal and reverse the winner of the category. 10. When bringing an animal to the contest headquarters to be scored or weighed, the hunter must bring the animal to R&J Music Pavilion located at 18086 Pleasanton Rd, San Antonio TX 78221. No animals will be weighed or scored during the off hours. Must Call an hour before animal is brought in. Weigh and Score Hours:
Monday – Thursday 2:00 PM to 10PM Friday – Sunday 12PM to 10PM Please call to notify us of your arrival at the numbers listed below:
(210) 628-6200 (210) 219-1988
11. In the weight categories the animal must be dressed. Dressed is defined as entire carcass with all entails removed including heart, liver, lungs, ETC… All animals must be weighed at R&J Lounge in San Antonio, Texas. 12. Widest Spread – Animals in the widest spread category will be measured for the greatest outside spread. The winner will be determined by the widest outside spread. 13. Most Points – Animals in the most points category will be measured by the total of all 1 inch points or longer. 14. Longest Spike – Animals in the longest spike category must have only 2 points, with no signs of any broken points. The winner will be determined by the total of both antlers. 15. Heaviest Buck – Animals in the heaviest buck category must be dressed. All entails must be removed. All animals must be weighed at R&J Lounge in San Antonio, Texas. The winner will be determined by the heaviest overall animal. 16. Heaviest Doe – Animals in the heaviest doe category must be dressed. All entails must be removed. All animals must be weighed at R&J Lounge in San Antonio, Texas. The winner will be determined by the heaviest overall animal. 17. Heaviest Wild Hog – Animals in the heaviest wild hog must be dressed. All entails must be removed. All animals must be weighed at R&J Lounge in San Antonio, Texas. The winner will be determined by the heaviest overall animal. 18. Prizes will be determined by the amount of entries and are eligible to change at the contest director’s discretion. The Contest Director Decision is Final!!!Items Not Allowed
No Animals will be Scored or Weighed on
November 28th, December 24th, 25th, 31st, and January 1st.
Presented By
12:00pm to 5:00pm
Entry: $30.00
All Ages
3500 2106286200 PAST EVENTS
Sunday, March 12th
R&J Music Pavilion Past Event
Sunday, October 23rd
R&J Music Pavilion Past Event
Saturday, September 10th
R&J Music Pavilion Past Event