Step into a magical world this holiday season with The Nutcracker, a beloved family classic brought to life by Alamo City Dance Company. Journey with Clara as she embarks on a wondrous adventure through the Land of Sweets, guided by her Nutcracker Prince. This enchanting performance features dazzling choreography, stunning costumes, and the timeless score of Tchaikovsky played by Alamo City Symphony Viva, making it a must-see for audiences of all ages. Whether you’re experiencing the magic for the first time or returning as part of your holiday tradition, this production promises to fill your season with joy and wonder. Duration: Approximately 2 hours with one intermission Perfect for all ages! |
Presented By
2:00pm to 3:45pm
Front Orchestra: $45.00
All Ages
1000 (210) 369-8311 UPCOMING EVENTS
Sunday, November 3rd
Alamo Heights United Methodist Church Past Event
Sunday, September 22nd
Alamo Heights United Methodist Church Past Event