By Kimberly Belflower Directed by Sara Valentine At a rural high school in Georgia, a group of teens are studying The Crucible while navigating young love, sex ed, and a few school scandals. Holding a contemporary lens to the American classic, they begin to question who is really the hero and what is the truth, discovering their own power in the process. Alternately touching and bitingly funny, this new comedy captures a generation in mid-transformation, running on pop music, optimism, and fury, writing their own coming of age story. Content Advisory: John Proctor Is the Villain explores adult themes and includes a brief depiction of forced physical contact and discussions of sexual exploitation. If you have further questions about the content of the show, please contact us at Age recommendation: 9th grade and older |
Presented By
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Season Flex Pass: $100.00
All Ages
130 207-780-5151 UPCOMING EVENTS
Sunday, December 8th
Russell Hall Past Event
Saturday, December 7th
Russell Hall Past Event
Friday, December 6th
Russell Hall Past Event