Andreas Rentsch Description
The cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic processes. It was invented in 1842 by Sir John Herschel, three years after Daguerre and Talbot introduced their photographic techniques to the world. It has a very distinct bluish-cyan color, hence the name cyanotype. You will learn how to mix the chemicals and apply them to watercolor paper or any material to which the chemicals adhere. We will use the sun and a UV lightbox to expose the light-sensitive surface. It is a cheap, non-toxic, and straightforward process. All you need is a black-and-white transparency or any objects that will fit onto the paper format used. No previous experience is necessary. |
Presented By
11:00am to 1:00pm
RSVP: $0.00
Thursday, September 26th
Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve Past Event
Saturday, September 14th
Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve Past Event
Saturday, September 14th
Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve Past Event