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Lunar New Year Celebration Concert: Cyndi Chao
Saturday, January 25th at 7:30pm PST
Online sale ends: 01/25/25 at 9:30pm PST
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
188 Campus Drive
Arcadia, CA 91016
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Cyndi Chao


Cyndi Chao, Taiwan's love song diva, is best known for her 90s hit "The Most Romantic Thing," a classic cherished by fans in Taiwan and abroad, still widely sung today. In addition to this, Chao is remembered for songs like "Invincible Iron King Kong," "Crowds," and the theme for the 1977 cartoon Little Angel. In 1988, she joined All-American Records and released her debut album Say More Words. Tracks like "Fly Higher" and "Never Refuse to Say to You" became well-known, especially as the latter featured in the TV series The Gold Powder Family. She released seven albums during her time with Dian-Jiang Records before moving to Rolling Stone Records in 1993, where hits like "Marriage Proposal" and "The Most Romantic Thing" further solidified her legacy. In 1996, Chao joined Polygram and appeared in Peking Opera Apocalypse. The following year, she held a charity concert in Los Angeles and was honored with the "Disney Honorary Citizen" award. In 1998, she performed a Christmas concert with Ren Xian-Qi in Las Vegas. In 2002, she took the lead role in the musical City Lights, where her performance, alongside Wu Qi-Xian, was highly praised. In the following years, she recorded for Prank 2 Kiss (2007), starred in The Beginning of Happiness (2009), and continued with concerts and fundraising performances. In 2021, she performed at the Hua-Yi Debut concert, and in 2022-2023, she participated in the musical Classmates at Reunion.

趙詠華,來自台灣情歌天后,其歌曲《最浪漫的事》是90年代華語樂壇最著名及經典的情歌代表作品,並且深受海內外歌迷的喜愛及傳唱至今。小學二年級開始演唱卡通歌曲,共灌錄20餘張卡通歌專輯,除了《無敵鐵金剛》、《科學小飛俠》、《小英的故事》等合唱曲外,1977年她獨唱的《小天使》主題曲更是大家最耳熟能詳的卡通歌曲。1988年趙詠華加盟全美唱片(由點將唱片發行),出版第一張專輯《多說一些話》,成名歌曲是該專輯第二首歌〈越飛越高〉,和搭配台視連續劇《金粉世家》的〈從來不肯對你說〉,以及〈嘿!聽我這首歌〉。於點將唱片時期計有7張作品。1993年轉往滾石唱片,出版的〈求婚〉、〈最浪漫的事〉,至今仍是華語樂壇情歌經典作品。同年應邀參加由文化總會主辦的「流行金曲交響夜」演唱會。1996年轉往寶麗金,同年參加屏風表演班十年大戲《京劇啟示錄》演出,首次參與舞台劇即擔任女主角重任,並拜師學習京劇唱腔及身段,表現傑出。1997年應邀赴美國洛杉磯舉辦演唱會,還與殘障人士共遊迪士尼樂園,並獲頒「迪士尼榮譽公民」狀。1998年應邀前往美國拉斯維加斯MIRAGE,與任賢齊舉行兩人首度同台的耶誕演唱會。2002年參加果陀劇團大型歌舞劇《城市之光》擔任女主角,與生俱來的好歌聲和努力不懈練成的芭蕾舞蹈,令人驚豔,戲中飾演盲女一角與飾演流浪漢的男主角巫啟賢,之間一段段感人肺腑的感情戲,演來絲絲入扣、賺人熱淚、自然而不做作的表演方式,吸引許多歌迷以外的觀眾們大好評。2007年個人第一次演唱會,演唱電視劇惡作劇2吻插曲《藏在微笑裡的秘密》。2009年演出大愛劇場"幸福的起點"女主角。2012年"Legacy天堂" 首次個人演唱會。2013年再度出專輯,並且舉辦"簡單的幸福"大型演唱會。2014年和2015年連續兩年為羅東聖母醫院老人醫療大樓舉辦籌款義演。2021年和林俊逸在台北國際會議中心,舉辦「華逸登場」演唱會。2022和2023年參演音樂劇 (同學會!同鞋)。

Items Not Allowed
No food or drink, no large signs or balloons, no strollers
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Presented By

7:30pm to 9:30pm
Doors open at 7:00pm

A. Front Orchestra: $168.00
B. Mid Orchestra: $128.00
C. Rear Orchestra: $98.00
E. PARTIAL VIEW Side Balcony: $68.00
D. Center Balcony: $68.00

Arcadia Performing Arts Center<br> 188 Campus Drive<br> Arcadia, 91016



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