Build & Manage Maps

Full Control of maps

Our maps are built to be true-to-form with all the curves, rows, aisles, and everything shown true to scale.

Promoters can customize their custom seating maps by adding graphics, media, logos, selecting colors, etc.

Purplepass building seating maps
a seating chat map on Purplepass

Free Map Building

We will build out your custom seating maps quickly and for free. For venues up to 10,000 seats, the estimated turnaround time is within 24 hours.

The powerful system gives your guests the ability to load interactive seating maps, view layouts, and other features to make choosing seats easy.

Full Support

Whether your venue holds 25 people or has over 20,000 seats, we can build a map to support your venue.

Our seating system allows for huge flexibility. Whether you are selling seats in rows, seats at a table, whole tables, selling booths for your vendors, or a combination of all of them, they are all supported and easily shown on your seating map.

Seating maps are all mobile-friendly and optimized for use on smartphones and devices!

map pricing levels
