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Using promo codes for multiple events

To limit the number of times a code can be used or set for multiple events; for example, once, follow these steps:

  1. At the top of the page for creating promo codes, under the first option is a checkbox labeled List of codes (Uploaded or automatically generated)
  2. Check that box
  3. Underneath, a blue link will appear that says Manage lists
  1. Click the link and the pop-up window Manage Coupons Lists will appear
  2. On the new window, click the purple button Upload or Generate List of Codes
  3. Enter the code list name in the List name box. NOTE: you can then use the list of codes you’ve uploaded to your account as promo codes for multiple events.
  4. Click the purple Create List button at the bottom of the window
  5. Finish entering the information for the promo codes and click the purple button Save Coupon Code at the bottom of the screen